Cylinder Blocks


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Product Detail

Set of 4 blocks with cylinders varying in height and/or diameter in each block. Made of high-quality satinwood. To help develop the child's visual discrimination of size. Indirectly, to prepare the child for writing, through the handling of the cylinders by their knobs. Indirectly, to prepare the child for later work in Mathematics, through observation of the regular differences in the cylinders.

Block 1: The cylinders, from left to right, remain constant in height (5.5cm) while diameter varies from thick to thin (5.5cm to 1cm).

Block 2: The cylinders, from left to right, vary in height from tall to short (5.5cm-1cm) as well as diameter from thick to thin (5.5cm-1cm).

Block 3: The cylinders, from left to right, vary in height from short to tall (1cm-5.5cm) and in diameter from thick to thin (5.5cm-1cm)

Block 4: The cylinders remain constant in diameter (5.5cm) while height varies from tall to short (5.5cm-1cm).

Size of each block: 44.45 cm x 7.65 cm x 6.35 cm



South East Melbourne 
0493 209 047
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